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Investing Principles
Ready to take control of your money? Start by taking a deep breath. We'll help you get started. As an investor, you need guiding principles to help you navigate the changing markets and different financial decisions throughout your investing journey. The Islar Group's seven Investing Principles are the clear steps we believe are foundational to successful investing.
Our Perspective
The fundamentals you need for investing success.
1. Establish a financial plan based on your goals.
Be realistic about your goals
Review your plan at least annually
Make changes as your life circumstances change
2. Start saving and investing today.
Maximize what you can afford to invest
Time in the market is key
Don't try to time the markets - it's not possible
3. Build a diversified portfolio based on your tolerance for risk.
Know your comfort level with temporary losses
Understand that asset classes behave differently
Don't chase past market performance
4. Minimize fees and taxes.
Markets are uncertain; fees are certain
Pay attention to net returns
Minimize taxes to maximize returns
5. Build in protection against significant losses.
Moderate temporary losses are okay, but recovery from significant losses can take years
Use cash investments and bonds for diversification
Consider options as a hedge against market declines - certain options can be designed to help you offset losses
6. Rebalance your portfolio regularly.
Be disciplined about your tolerance for risk
Stay engaged with your investments
Understand that asset classes behave differently
7. Ignore the noise.
The press makes noise to sell advertising
Markets fluctuate
Stay focused on your plan
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